lunes, 26 de octubre de 2009




Be one of the best companies, ofreciendp an excellent service to the community, haciendolas feel well inside and out.


Know the autoestima of the people, for asi brindarles an excellent service and carry them firstly to reflect his internal beauty.


- Tolerancia: To have an uen deal with our clients, employees and with the partners of our company, so that asi all the world have a good image of our company, of us and of our products.

-RESPECT: it Is important so much as in our employees, clients, partners stop of this way offer a better service for asi brindarles a main comobidad.

- HONESTIDAD: It is important because asi can win the confidence of our clients, so that they when speaking us desenvuelvan mas and asi know his internal beauty; and be able to help them so that they see and feel better.

-- RESPONSIBILITY: it Is essential to be responsible with the deliveries that do him to our clients, so that they confien in our company and products, for asi arrive to be each dia better people and be the best company recognized by our values in all the world.

- ETICA: It is like a person relate and comport in front of the difficulties that arises a company, is the moral trial that have like human beings.


- SHORT TERM: Ours first aim, is that our company and our products are known and distributed in warehouses of the city.

- AVERAGE TERM: Distribute the product in warehouses of chain and can brindarles mas comobidades to our clients, atraves of calm to Metropolitan level of the city of Bucaramanga.

- LONG TERM: Broaden our services and products to demas departments and remain like company lider in the market, offering each dia improvements in our attention.

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